XACT Wire EDM was founded to provide wire EDM services to a wide variety of industries. We’ve been uniquely strategically focused on this since our founding in 1984.
Over this time we have cut thousands of precision trim dies and punches. As time went on, several of our customers asked us if we would be interested in building their matched metal trim tools. They explained that they felt that since we did the most difficult part of the tool, we would be very good at building the rest of the tool. We obliged.
Since XACT is strictly a wire EDM job shop with no mills, grinders, etc.; we needed to work with Die-Tech, a tool builder with exceptional talent and capabilities to provide the complete package.
XACT Wire creates matched metal trim dies from design to build. Services offered pre-Design to Build and Tool Life Span.
- Tool estimating: budgetary planning
- Consultation: to develop and/or improve the build process, trimming concept and post build support. Consultations and estimates are free.
- Matched metal tool trim components: punches, holders, and die blocks
- Matched metal tool building: from customer designs or from our designs
- Inspection Services: verify trim and profile cutting clearances
- Laser marking: for traceability, quality control & process improvement.
- Matched metal tooling maintenance: sharpening, guide component replacement, trim component replacement. XACT Wire supports the tools we build from inception to last trim.
XACT Wire matched metal trim tools are made in the USA.
Informational Video
Matched Metal Trim best practices – building better tooling.
Material, Design, Machines, Inspection- Every step must be capable to build for best practices. We approach this as the right tool for the job and then make sure the tool is built to the highest standards. Every step of the process requires control and monitoring.
We always start with customer need/requirements. Concept, layout, estimating tool cost.
SolidWorks – is our choice of modeling design software.
Design parameters min. and max. guidelines – All designs require customer approval before we start the build.
Design choices – customer preferences – tooling platforms.
Stock components: from the best in the industry.
Custom components as needed: also from the best in the industry.
If a tool requires a custom spec. component, that is fine, custom is normal for us. We work with all of our suppliers to deliver exceptional quality material and components.
Material – we use what is needed, no more, no less – Does the trim require standard tool steel or powdered metal? The proper materials make all the difference.
Heat Treat specification of material is necessary to get the most out of the materials chosen.
Trim Surface wire EDM’ed by Xact Wire – a top capability and top capacity wire EDM job shop in the industry.
Tool Build by our supplier Die-Tech – crafting components and assembling – the finest tool builders.
Build and Assembly – Made in the USA
Communication is a key component to a successful matched metal tool build. Daily planning and scheduling sessions ensure project completion on time and on budget.
Material – start with the right mix of material combinations
Heat Treat – best practices to have stable material for the wire EDM process. Well-built and cared for tools hold up to many years of trimming.
Temperature control and monitoring of all equipment involved. Temperature logs are kept to monitor the most critical projects. Proper practices are used to ensure accurate readings in specially controlled QA lab. This permits the most repeatable component sizes for the tight trim tolerances required on difficult to trim materials.
Test cutting before 1st article – improves quality, saves money and most importantly, minimizes lead times. Operators constantly check work-in-process criteria and then a final inspection of trim components is required before we send them to the toolmakers for assembly.
Inspectors with many years of experience make certain that critical features have met or exceed project requirements. They use the proper inspection equipment to monitor and control every process: Mahr, Mitutoyo, OGP, Smart Profile, Brown and Sharpe.
SYSPRO ERP system provides WIP tracking of materials, components and machining.
The expert toolmakers at Die-Tech provide the finest craftsmanship and care in every matched metal tool assembly. Custom crafted specially built die sets are made in house. This provides “the foundation” along with combining the best components and tool build practices.
Assembled Tool inspection and part trim test cutting are done on every tool.
Best of all, this attention to detail bring value and quality to tooling made in the USA.